Monday, April 30, 2012


Tricia Truax is her name.
Helping others is her game.

Tricia is the owner of Studio Zumba in Wintersville (Zumba in the Ville).  She is also the creator of Belly Dancing Body Fitness.

We barely know each other.

She is my greatest source of strength and inspiration.

How is that possible when we hardly know each other?  Let me tell you.

This woman is nothing but a giver.  She gives her all to everything she does.  I see it everyday through her facebook posts/conversations, or when I talk to her, or when I hear about her from someone else.

The way Tricia involves you in her life makes you feel so close to her.  She doesn't treat you as another customer.  She really and truly cares about you.  There were times I couldn't make it to a Zumba class in the past and she offered to come pick me up.  Again she hardly knows me!  How amazing is it that she cares so much that she would do anything for her students?

Tricia includes everyone in her most intimate elements of her life.  She does this because she cares.  She says what's in her heart.  To some people they might think "TMI", to me (and everyone I talk to) it's not "TMI" at all.  It's someone pouring out her heart to you so you can find strength.  She is very open to the tragedies she has experienced.  She doesn't do this to find pity from anyone.  She does this so she can show everyone how to find strength and power in any situation.

It never ceases to amaze me the light that shines from this woman.  She empowers me to be a better person, a better mother, a healthier person.  It's even the simplest things.  Some days she just posts pictures on her facebook wall.  I don't know where she finds them but they speak loudly.  Here's today's:
It may seem silly to some.  But to those of us who need this kind of inspiration and drive it means a ton and more.

So I thank you Tricia.  I thank you for being open.  I thank you for caring.  I thank you for helping.  I thank you for inspiring.  You have given me a drive that I have never had before in any of my attempts at a better healthier life.  Thank you a thousand times over.

My first post.

Welcome.  This blog has been created in order to help me stay accountable.  I've let myself get to an unhealthy state of life.  It's gotten to the point where I can't really do anything.  You know you have an issue when you go shopping with your girlfriends and you start to cry when you realize you can't buy anything in that entire store.  Needless to say I was feeling sorry for myself.  Things need to change.

I've been the best at making excuses.  I love to listen to that voice in my head that says "so what eat it anyway, it tastes so good".  I love to think that I have plenty of time to lose some weight before a big event only to realize the day before said event I wonder where the time has gone.  Excuses, excuses, excuses.  I don't work out because "we're shopping for a treadmill".... I'll work out once we get it.  When I think about that excuse is just plain dumb.  Why not find an alternate workout until you get the treadmill dummy?

Anyway, I've decided there needs to be a change.   I am 30 years old, I work full-time, and I have 3 kids. I need to get healthy for my husband and my kids.  Most importantly I need to get healthy for myself.  I'm tired all the time.  When I'm tired everyone and everything suffers the consequences.  My kids don't get to go to the park as often as we would all like because I'm tired.  My house is not as clean as it should be because I'm tired.

I've decided that I cannot get pregnant again until I've gotten healthy.  My husband and I create amazing and healthy babies.  I however get even more unhealthy every time I'm pregnant.  With that being said I cannot have another baby until I learn to control myself.  It's not fair to me, my kids, my husband, and any child I may have in the future.  For anyone who knows me they know that this is a big deal.  I love being pregnant.  I love my children.  I love having children.  It's my calling in life.  My husband and I use NFP so of course if I get pregnant before I get to where I would like to be health wise of course I'll be ecstatic. I will take whatever God gives me.

Right now I need to focus on me.  I need to take care of this temple that God has blessed me with.  I have a wonderful life.  I know I could enjoy my wonderful life 12 fold if I was healthy and active.  So here starts a new journey.  It's my millionth journey on this path.  Here's hoping and praying that this time it will stick!  God give me strength!

On this blog you will find links to different sites that will help you kick start or continue your healthy journey, a video journal for when I don't want to type my feelings out, pictures of my progress, a daily food journal, and a daily workout journal.

Thanks for stopping by and helping me in this journey.  Thank you for holding me accountable.  If you have any pointers, well wishes, words of strength, ANYTHING, please I'll take them.

Thanks for stopping by!
Stay strong!

Check out my recent video post:
Truth Video!