Monday, January 14, 2013

I did it!

So day 1 of my new refreshed game plan and I actually got my bum out of bed!  Woo Hoo!  It actually wasn't as difficult as I thought it was going to be.   I think one of the biggest helps this morning was the fact that I was excited and looking forward to the morning.  That is a rare attitude from me.  I'm by no means a morning person.  I love my sleep, I love being all cozy and warm in my bed.  My mind wasn't on that though.  It was focused on doing what I said I was going to do.   I had a couple of tricks that I used to help me get up and actually work out today.

Ok, my drink doesn't
quite look like that
Drink ICE COLD Lemon Water, or Lemonade.
    • I have never liked lemon water.  To me it just tastes like water down lemonade.  Last night I fill a cup of lemonade and I froze it.  When I went to bed I took the frozen drink out and put next to me so it was easy to get first thing in the morning.  The drink melted into the night but it was still quite cold in the morning.  
    • For me it worked because of the elements.  With the drink being ice cold it makes for a quick jolt out of the grogginess.  The lemon adds some zing.  The sour taste makes for quite an awaking.  Normally the drink of choice in the morning is tea, or coffee, or cocoa.  In short it's normally something hot and/or warm and quite comforting.  Drinking the exact opposite definitely wakes up the senses quickly.
I wish my clothes were as comfy
as these clothes look!
Go to bed wearing workout clothes.
    • Ok so some people out there may find this strange.  However, I argue that if it's comfortable and doesn't disrupt your sleep then do it.  I went to bed wearing my entire outfit (except shoes), sports bra and all.  It wasn't too uncomfortable.  Going to bed wearing my workout clothes made one less excuse to make in the morning to avoid working out.
    • As soon as you get out of bed put your workout shoes on.  Anyone will find it hard to avoid working out first thing in the morning if they are already dressed and have their shoes on.
Brush your teeth.
    • This is nothing new.  Everyone should brush their teeth first thing in the morning.  I just wanted to add it because the cold water and the toothpaste are great ways to wake yourself up.

I did all of these today.  It made for waking up very easy.  I got my workout in and I even had time left over to myself before the kiddos woke up.  I'm not saying these tricks are fool-proof, only time will tell.  It also helps I'm coming off of a 3-day weekend.  We shall see how I do when I'm coming off of a 6-day work week.  Either way I'm proud of myself for getting started today.  Let's see what kind of streak I can get going.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Me, Myself, and I

There are a lot of things I've begun to lack in.  The number one thing is my workouts.  When I first started I was working out everyday.  In fact, I focused so much on the workout that I wasn't paying attention to my eating.  When I first started last April I focused first on the workouts.  I was working out everyday.  It was really hard to do.  After I got into the habit of working out everyday I started focusing on my eating.  Apparently I'm great at multi-tasking at work and with kids but I can't seem to eat right and workout everyday.  It's almost a complete either/or situation.

I need to re-focus my workouts.  As it turns out, I am unable to get to as many Zumba live classes as I would like to.  If I could get to a live class everyday then I am certain I would reach my goal ahead of schedule.  Live Zumba classes just give so much.  There's of course the workout and calorie burning, but there is also the support, fellowship, and it's so much fun.  Like I said though I can't get to as many classes as I would like.  So it's up to me.  I need to motivate myself to workout everyday.  Getting to a class was enough motivation for me.  Now I must depend on myself to continue the workouts.  Through this process I've learned that I could eat as clean as possible but without being active I don't get much accomplished.  When I add being active to my clean eating the possibilities of weight loss and healthiness are endless.

It's disappointing I can't make it to as many classes.  I do love them so much.  The problem is that there are numerous mornings I don't have the car because the Mr. has to go to work.  There are other mornings where I do have the car but my kids are too young to behave so I can get a good workout in.  Plus, I would feel bad if my kids would distract the other ladies at class.  I haven't found anywhere in the area that has childcare provided on a basis that would work for me.  I'm not asking for solutions or pity really, I'm just explaining my status.

It's really not that big of deal.  I just need to force myself to do it at home.  I hate mornings but they are the best time to get my workout while the kiddos are still sleeping.  I not only need to come up with a plan to motivate myself to workout but I also have to motivate myself to get my bum out of bed (which we all know I struggle with).

I've come too far to stop.  I haven't even reached the halfway mark.  I'm pretty darn close though.  I'm newly motivated and excited.  I need to learn to depend on myself to succeed.  I love my live Zumba classes but I can't depend on someone else, it's up to me to succeed.  The people I meet in class and my instructors have and will help me always and I will forever be grateful to them.  However, in the end it is up to me.  I have to do it.

So here are some of my plans/schedule:

  1. Go to bed already dressed in workout clothes.
  2. When I wake up the first thing I do is drink ice cold lemon water.  The cold and sour taste will surely give me the zip I need to wake up.
  3. Then of course brush my teeth.  Who doesn't wake up after brushing their teeth?
  4. After I take child to school, I WORK OUT.

Light Pink = Live Zumba class unless I am scheduled to work
Light Red = 1 hr Zumba DVD
Light Blue = 20 minute intense tone/ab workout, these can be skipped every other day if necessary
Light Yellow = Live Zumba class only if I am not scheduled to work and husband doesn't work (so these will be few and far between).

Well here's the plan.  I can't wait to see Monday.  I'm going to hit the ground running.  I'm going to re-stock my food supply, get my bum out of bed, and get HEALTHY!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Argh...WAKE UP!!!

Hey guess what I'm still struggling with?  Well besides everything...  I am still having a hard time waking up in the morning.  I've written about this before.  I'm starting to sound like a broken record.  It's really starting to become a problem.  My house and kids are starting to suffer.  It would be one thing if I stayed at home all the time because then I would have the whole day.  It's completely different when I only have half of the day because I work full-time.  I am no where near the domestic goddess I would like to be.  My working out has become next to nothing because the only time I CAN workout at home is in the morning.  Yet, I can't seem to get my bum out of bed.

I came across this blog posting and although the writer mentions waking up to write and be creative I think that these tips and tricks can still be useful.  I can easily replace his tips about writing with working out, and his tips about creativity with crocheting or cleaning.  Anyway, here's a good read.  I really need to put these in practice.  I love me sleep so much but it's starting to become a problem.  I'm not teaching my kids good habits at all.

8 Tips for Waking Up Early & Conquering the Alarm Clock

From Jeff: This is a guest post by Loren Pinilis. Loren operates Life of a Steward, a site about time management from a Christian perspective. You can subscribe to his blog or follow Loren on Twitter.
For years, I wanted to wake up early. It seems almost all successful people get going before sunrise, and I wanted to be one of them. But when my morning alarm would go off, all the good intentions in the world couldn’t pull me out of bed.
Sunrise Photo
Photo credit: Florian (Creative Commons)

I understood the benefits of waking up early. I made plans to wake up early and write, just like the recent challenge in the 15 Habits series. But that discipline was gone in the morning.
The groggy person hitting the snooze button wasn’t the same clear-thinking person that had set the alarm the night before.
When I realized waking up early is a battle fought on two fronts, everything changed We must prepare our bodies, but we must also trick our sleepy minds.
Here are eight tips to help you win the fight and wake up early:

1. Take the first steps

The toughest part of the morning is simply getting out of bed. An alarm across the room is an old trick, but I don’t want to wake up my wife in the process. So I have my iPhone next to my bed with a soft alarm that I can turn off quickly.
To keep myself from falling back asleep in the morning brain-fog, I have another alarm across the room set for a few minutes later.
It’s extremely loud and will jolt my wife awake if I don’t walk across the room and turn it off first. Even my foggy mind understands that, and the fear of a startled and cranky wife drives me to take those first few steps out of bed.

2. Cultivate a mental environment

Here are a few ideas to wake your brain up (and keep it alert all day long):
  • Listen to podcasts related to waking up early.
  • Read about people who were early risers.
  • Remind yourself about the importance of writing every day.
Fill in the cracks of your day with inspiration on how and why to wake up early.
You can rationalize a lot when your alarm goes off. But if you’ve immersed yourself in this environment, even your hazy morning mind will feel compelled to wake up.

3. Develop a “get to” attitude

Get excited about your day, and you’ll jump out of bed. Don’t drive yourself with guilt about why you have to wake up early. Make waking up early something you get to do.
Of course, the joy of creating can drive you. But don’t be afraid to motivate yourself by doing something fun in the morning. Play some games or indulge in some leisure reading.
Better yet, think of the benefits that others will receive from your work. You can also keep track of your progress and reward yourself when you reach a milestone.

4. Create some accountability

Recruit a friend to hold your feet to the fire. You can have weekly meetings or even call or text each other when you wake up.
There are great online groups — such as the fellow artists here on this community, the upcoming Tribe Writers community, or groups such as the Hello Mornings Challenge for mothers on Facebook and Twitter.

5. Sleep well

The struggle isn’t all mental. There’s a strong physical component and the amount — as well as the quality — of sleep you get is the most important factor.
Although it’s obvious, make sure you go to bed at a reasonable time if you want to wake up early. Also, pay attention to your diet and exercise. General physical fitness greatly impacts your sleep habits and energy levels.

6. Never snooze

Hitting your alarm’s snooze button doesn’t give you more of the restful REM sleep. Your body and mind aren’t recuperating you're just wasting time.
Personally, I noticed that regularly hitting snooze made my thinking even cloudier when the alarm went off. Your mind starts to ignore the alarm bells.

7. Stick to your wake time

Wake up at the same time every day.
Your body becomes conditioned to this and regulates your sleep patterns accordingly. You get more of that precious REM sleep and when you have a regular wake time, your body actually begins the process of waking up long before your alarm sounds.

8. Build momentum

After you wake up early, the challenge is to stay up. Maybe you’ll love to relax and sip your coffee. But for me, getting too comfortable is dangerous.
I used to start my mornings by reading the Bible and praying. It was a fight to keep my eyes open. Now, the first thing I do is exercise. My heart gets racing, and afterwards I can give what matters most my best focus and attention.
Move through your routine quickly:
  • Have the coffee ready.
  • Set out your exercise clothes.
  • Keep a vigorous pace and you won’t feel as drowsy.
When I depended on discipline and willpower alone, I had limited success waking up early. But I’m mastering my mornings now — all due to a few simple tricks. I hope they help you, too.

Hope they help me.  I must put these into motion! Below are some links to more articles with a lot of helpful hints.  I just need to actually do it and not just read about it.  Easier said than done.

Waking Up Early for Exercise

Waking Up Early Tips

17 Ways to Wake Up Feeling Fresh

^ My favorite tip from the above article: "Be grateful for not dying" true.


Monday, January 7, 2013

How Foolish

How foolish of me to think I could get back on track with my eating and not have the proper food stocked.  We were on vacation to my parents and since then I haven't been able to do a proper grocery shopping trip.  The Mr. and I have been working non-stop.  So I attempt to get back on track after my slight detour off the path and you can imagine how well that's been going.  I have had well over my allowed amount of cheese, beef sticks, and cold cuts.  I haven't had any hot meals or veggies.

As I have mentioned in previous posts that being prepared and planning is imperative for success.  Well, I'm not prepared.  Therefore I am not being successful.  I ran out of cheese and eggs today.  I didn't have the time or the money to do a full on grocery shopping trip.  So yeah, my food choices are/were not ideal today.  So much for being back on track.

Oh well, I will burn off what I can at Zumba tonight and then I will hopefully be able to make it to a store tonight and stock my fridge up with legal foods.  It's a new year and I need to make it count.  I never should have gone of course in the first place.  Nothing is worth the cheating.  I don't care how good it is (sorry mom).  Nothing tastes as good as feeling healthy feels.  I guess it was just a matter of time before I cheated again.  It's really hard to get back on track and sometimes it can take me weeks to get really serious and back in the groove of eating properly.  So this isn't a surprise, it's a disappointment.  Time to pull out the grocery list, spend a couple of hours at the grocery story, and really actually get back on track.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Blech, Getting Back on Track

I mentioned a couple of posts ago that I did go off track during Christmas.  I really wanted to have my mother's Yorshire Pudding which I haven't had in years.  It was so tasty and I don't regret the decision.  Well, I don't regret it entirely.  I am paying for it today.  The thing about eating healthy for a long time and then going off-plan even for a day it takes time to get your body back on track.  My body is going through what we call "Induction Flu".

This isn't an actual flu.  You just experience some of the flu-like symptoms.  For me it's an achey body  and hot/cold flashes.  It stinks.  I get rather cranky when I'm going through this as well.  The good thing though is that my body is getting rid of all the bad crap I put in it.  Give me a couple more days and I will be back in Ketosis - aka fat burning!  Huzzah!

I just need to get past these couple of days of grossness and I will be losing and getting healthier.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Glug Glug Glug

Diet beverages: harmful or helpful?  That’s a loaded question.  I would have to answer yes to both.  How can this be?  Well it all comes down to moderation; everything in moderation. 

I find that diet beverages can hinder my weight loss and healthy lifestyle.  One of the most important things you can do for yourself when you’re trying to become healthy is to drink a ton of water.  I mean a ton, for example for where I’m at I’m supposed to consume at least 64 oz. of water a day.  In my healthy lifestyle journey I have learned to end my addiction to bad carbs and sugary snacks.   However, in giving up those addictions, I have added another.  I have replaced my bad carbs and sugary foods with diet pop.  I haven’t been consuming as much water as I should be.  I have been replacing my water intake with soda pop intake.  This is not good.  The splenda or the aspartame can and has slowed my weight loss.

Although diet pop has caused me issues it has also been rather helpful.  I have and always will have the BIGGEST sweet tooth.  Giving up sugar has been the hardest part of this entire journey.  Diet pop has been very helpful in curbing my sugar cravings.  There is just enough sweetness to the soda pop that it curbs all and any dangerous sugar craving.

So here’s the conundrum.  Do I stop drinking diet soda all together to help speed up the weight loss and therefore also resulting in drinking more water, a much healthier option?  Or do I continue to keep it in my life so that I have a weapon to combat cravings and also not feel entirely deprived?   Self control and moderation are all good answers yet as we all know based on previous habits I’m not always good at those. 

The fact that I am posting about my issues with diet soda pop I guess is answer enough about my issues with it.  I need to start limiting myself to much less pop.  You would be amazed or disgusted if you knew the amount of diet soda pop I can consume in a day.  Let’s just say thank goodness it’s soda and not alcohol! 

How sad is it that I am currently drinking a diet coke while I write this?  Must stop drinking so much diet soda pop!

My top 3 choices...yummm

I Need a Smaller Size Please

I am proud to announce that my clothes have become too big.

Another milestone has been met!  That's right.  I no longer wear the size that I had been wearing for almost 3 years....Woo hooooooo!!  Those clothes, including my maternity clothes are too big!  I am now wearing almost 2 sizes below where I started!

My shirts are now a little bit more form fitting.  Instead of the big old clothes that hide my curves, I'm starting to wear clothes that define my shape a little bit more.  I still have a long way to go to reach my target weight and I need to remember that.  This is where it becomes hard because I'm really starting to love the way I'm looking.  I need to remember that I'm not done yet.  I am starting to look good now.  I need to keep the end in focus.  If I think I look good now, I can only imagine how great I'll look when I'm at my goal!

Once I reach my goal I'll share with everyone what my starting weight and clothing sizes are.  I'm just still too embarrassed to share that info now.

I started this journey in April of 2012.  Below are my before and after pictures so far.  This is evidence that eating right and being active is totally possible.  Results are possible.  All it takes is an eating plan that you enjoy, a workout that you can enjoy and stick to, and of course the right mindset.  It's a long journey.  It's a hard journey at times.  But it is so worth it! 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

It's a New Year!

And I'm back...again.  How often is this going to happen?  I write a post that states I will update more frequently but then I don't follow through.  This time I really mean it!  I'm calling on all of my audience out there! HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE!!! Facebook me, tweet me, those of you who have my number text me!!  If you're dying for an update and my lazy bum hasn't blogged bug me about it.  Well you don't have to feel obliged to do so, I would very much appreciate it.  It's a great bit of motivation.

So things have been going well.  I almost made it through the holidays.  I did cheat a little.  I made an exception for my mother's Yorkshire Pudding.  I also had some red wine.  It was oh so amazing, but oh did I pay for it.  It had been so long since I had any carbs and my body was not happy.  I was sick that night.  Carbs and wine no longer agree with me.  So I wasn't terrible but nevertheless it caused me to take a few steps backwards.

So we into the year 2013!  2012 was a success in my opinion.  I lost 31 lbs.  This is good.  I lost weight and I did not gain it back.  I did not lose my fire.  My passion and desire for becoming healthy and reaching my goal is bigger and better than ever!  I still have a ways to go but I am now in a place where I know that I will not fail.  Even though the loss may not be fast I know it will happen.  I have so many weapons to combat any temptation!  I have figured out what workout actually works and keeps me interested.  I know what to eat and what method of eating works for me.  I have so much support from my husband, to my parents and siblings, to my Zumba instructor, to my kids, to co-workers.  2013 will be the year that I WILL reach my goal.  It's a tall order but I think it's highly doable.  Once I reach my goal I will let you all know what my starting weight was and how far I've come. 

So here's to 2013...a continued journey.  I lift a glass ice cold water to my secret weapons Atkins and Zumba (although I guess it's not so secret now, haha!).  I thank everyone who is cheering me on and hoping for my success.  2013 is going to be AWESOME!!!!

Atkins rocks my socks!!
Zumba is the best!!!!