Yesterday as a continuation of our wedding anniversary celebrations we took the 3 little ones to the movies to see Brave. It was a good movie. It was full of all the stuff that I love (and kind of obsess over) about the Celtic culture. The music was great, the scenery was awesome, the clothing, the dancing, the history...all amazing! The story and the characters were fun as well. I am definitely giving this movie 2 thumbs up, another win from Disney Pixar.
Seeing the movie was a lot of fun but there is the issue of the food that I had become accustomed to eating when at the movies. My usual movie meal would be Nachos with extra cheese, a large cherry Icee, and twizzlers. It never failed that that would be my food of choice whenever I went to the movies. Going to the movies are one of mine and my husband's favorite pastimes. As you can imagine it was going to take some strength to say no to this food.
I came prepared though. I only ordered a Diet Coke, and I packed a nice big bag of Green Peppers to snack on if I became hungry. I did really well. We ordered the kids popcorn, the hubby had nachos, and they all split some twizzlers. I had my trusty Diet Coke and Green Peppers. I didn't miss the movie food at all. The hardest thing I had to deal with was my youngest trying to share her popcorn with me. She would literally stuff it in my mouth and I had to strategically spit it out without her seeing. I did not digest a single kernel of corn!
This healthy life choice is getting easier and easier. I don't miss the food that I used to obsess over. It has gotten easier and easier to say no to things I can't have. I have been getting more experimental with my cooking. It's been especially awesome figuring out some recipes of my own that incorporate more vegetables than fillers! I really feel like this time I'm winning the food battle.
I am slipping a little on the activity part. I partly blame it because these last couple of weeks I've had to go into work early everyday. I have such little time in the day to cook, clean, spend time with the kids, work on personal projects, etc. that it has been hard fitting in the workouts. I know that these really aren't excuses. I'm still working on trying to wake up earlier to get the workout in. I'm hoping to start going to Zumba twice a week. It's been so good to me and I can't get enough of the live classes.
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