Today is weigh day. I am back to where I was before the weekend of bad decisions. So that is good. I've been able to lose all the weight that I gained from that weekend. The damage that was done was minimal and is now non-existent, thank goodness. Still, since I didn't stick to plan I did not lose more like I should have. It's ok though, I'm back on track. I'm going to stay on this path.
Yesterday my little one turned 3. I had many opportunities to cheat. The cake looked so good. I also got the intense craving for chinese food. I was fighting it all night. Finally I decided to give in. I told the husband we're having chinese for dinner. I picked up the phone and got halfway through dialing the number when a thought popped into my head: "tomorrow is weigh day..." That did it. I put the phone down. I did not order the chinese. I did not have any cake either. Instead I had a very tasty, atkins friendly chicken wrap. Because of my decisions almost two weeks ago I am still fighting my cravings. Fortunately I haven't given into any of them. I was crazy close last night though.
At work today I started taking my walks again during my lunch break. It was awesome. The night was warm but not too warm and I just felt so alive walking. My mind went a million miles a minute though, that was annoying. I need to find a new audio book.
After a weekend of bad decisions, and a week of fixing the issues I'm back on track. I'm going forward. I'm not looking back. I'm going to learn from this and get better. The cravings will subside soon. I am getting stronger.
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