Saturday, September 15, 2012


I've noticed a pattern.  It has become clear to me that this blog has been working.  My original plan for why I started a blog was so that I would stay on track and hopefully build a fan base so that my fans would help keep me on track.  I have reached well over 2000 views, I know a lot of people read my blog.  I have a fan base in Russia and the United Kingdom.  My friends and family read my blog.  Friends of friends of friends read my blog.  I thank each and everyone of you!

That being said there are times when I don't write every day.  I have noticed that when I don't keep up with my blog on a daily basis, I don't keep up on my healthy and active lifestyle on a daily basis. In previous posts I wrote about some bad food choices.  Those times when I did not eat the right food were days that I did not write a new blog post.  However, the days that I do update my blog, my food choices are great.  As it appears this blog has become almost a requirement in my daily routine to make sure I stay on track.  I started this blog to help hold me accountable and it is definitely doing that.

I have to keep at it.  Whether or not I update my blog obviously effects my day to day healthy choices.  So here's another goal for myself.  I must make sure I blog as close to everyday as possible.  Grant it there are days when I just don't have the time, but I cannot let more than 2 days go without a blog update.  It's become essential in this journey.  Happy reading everyone!  Again, thank you so much for your support!

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