I went off the grid again. I cheated again. That is why there is no picture update for October 28th. If you look at the pictures section of my blog you will notice that October was skipped. Yeah I was not able to avoid the candy temptation. I caved...big time. Well, I'm back on track and I have an announcement.
Drum roll please.
I've lost 30 pounds! WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!! I've finally hit that 30 lb. mark. Boom, shazam, yowzah, alright! Ok ok ok. I'll bring it down a little. The reason I'm so excited for this milestone is because for about a month I was stuck at that 29 lb. loss and then I cheated and put a couple of pounds back on. I was so close to losing 30 lbs. but I sabotaged that. Well after refocusing and getting serious about my healthy lifestyle again, I've finally hit that 30 lb. loss mark. I'm pretty darn excited about that. I'm still losing.
Now comes the test. It's almost Christmas. That time of year we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord. That time of year where you get to eat all those wonderful meals and treats that you only see this time of year. Last week we made cookies and I resisted! I have a lot of resisting to do. When I go home to visit my family my mother's cooking is superb. It will be the hardest thing for me to resist the amazing wonderful food that I only get to see once a year...maybe. The lucky thing is that I will have a lot of good options for me. My mother and father are on the same Atkins lifestyle so I will definitely NOT starve. Saying no to the Russian Tea Cakes, and the Anise Cookies won't be as hard.
Another exciting update has to do with my picture updates in the picture section of the blog. I've had to change my outfit. When I started the picture process idea I decided to wear the same outfit in the pictures so that it would be easy for me and my readers to recognize the changes that have been taking place. Well good news everyone! That outfit I wore for almost 8 months is now too big. The shirt and pants are so big such that you can't see the differences anymore because the clothes are too baggy! Now there is a slight downfall to this. I've changed my outfit to something that is too small so it really accents the stuff I don't like. But all in good time and this new outfit will be too big!
Things are going really well. I'm focused, working out (ZUMBA!!!!), and making good food choices. I'm not that worried about Christmas at all. My mind is in the right place.
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