Today was the first day in a loooong time that I just wanted to workout. Since today is day 7, technically it's my "rest day". I actually had that roll through my head a couple of times today. I didn't wake up early to workout before the kids woke up because "eh it's my rest day". However, I spent the rest of the day just wanting to workout. That voice that tells me to be lazy was completely shut out, I really really really needed to work out. I didn't just want to, but I literally needed to workout. I did Zumba Ripped (toning and sentao) and then I planned on taking about a 1.25 mile walk during my lunch break at work. Unfortunately I couldn't take my walk because it was storming. I didn't really want to get struck by lightning. I was genuinely disappointed that I couldn't take my walk. I still wish I could take it...stupid rain.
Ok, ok, ok. I know this isn't that big of a deal but I do feel a great sense of accomplishment. Now the key is what's to come. Whenever I start a new regime to become healthier I almost always tend to start off very strong. So one week down and I didn't cheat is awesome. However I've got to keep my eye on the prize. The weeks will get more challenging. That voice will start to get louder again. I need to make sure I shut it down! I have got to stick to this. I've heard that it takes 30 days to set a habit or to break one. So one week down! Three more to go! I can do this! Gotta stick to it
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