Dare to soar - how successful you are is
determined by your attitude.
My attitude has been great! It's been 53 days since I started this journey and I have not strayed off the path. My mind is still in the game. I've been winning all my mental battles. This time around I've been more focused than ever. I think one of the biggest changes with this journey that I made is that I'm not losing weight for a specific event or something like that. My whole journey is to get healthy. Losing weight is involved in that of course, but it's not just about that. It's about changing my attitude and changing habits into good choices. Slow and steady wins the race!
Have the courage to act on your dreams - leave behind you the internal forces that hold you back.
My dream is to be a better me. My dream is to be able to run around with my kids on not get winded. My dream is to be the hot wife my husband deserves (haha!). My dream is to be in the best shape of my life. My dream is to actually treat my body as the temple that God gave me. My dream is to stop killing myself slowly with bad food and lazy habits. My dream is the next time I'm pregnant I will be healthy. My dream is to teach my children good healthy food choices and an active lifestyle. My dream is to maybe actually enjoy clothes shopping. I have a lot of internal battles that can cause these dreams to not come true. I have to keep fighting! I will not be held back!
Feeling healthy and feeling good about yourself is not a luxury - it's an absolute necessity.
I agree! Nobody benefits from a sedentary lifestyle and bad food choices. There is a whole crap load of scientific evidence of that. I am proof of this. Being healthy is so important. I will be able to do a whole bunch of stuff that I haven't been able to do since high school. I'm excited for the time when I can climb up and down the stairs without getting winded! I look forward to the time when I can actually jump again. I have been very unhappy with myself for a long time. I've been in denial a long time. Keeping the reality from myself caused me to get rather depressed and defeated. I would go clothes shopping and end up hiding in the dressing room crying. This is all my fault. It just goes to show that I have to change myself. It is absolutely necessary for me to make these changes in order to be happy with myself.
Nothing tastes as good as being healthy and
full of energy feels.
This is what I use to curb any crazy food cravings. Fortunately I haven't had a lot of cravings but as we all know there are birthdays, and holidays. I have a wedding to go to, a child of mine is having a birthday soon, there are live remotes I will be going to for work, and after all that in rush the holidays! I'm in for a long haul of being surrounded by bad food constantly. I will be constantly repeating this in my head to keep my mind in the game. I've worked to hard to ruin it all. I love having this energy and I love that I am finally getting healthy! I will not mess this up!
You can do it! You're doing such a great job!