Sunday, May 12, 2013

Strategic Planning.

I've been gone for a while.  I'm back and I'm ready to get serious once and for all.  I've been surrounded by many ladies who committed to a boot camp that started 3 weeks ago,  These women have committed a lot of time and the results are showing.  One woman just reached her 40 lbs. loss mile marker today.  I'm so proud of them and I'm so very impressed.  It really got me thinking.  One woman lost 40 lbs. in less than 4 months.  I lost 30 lbs. in over 6 months last year and I did not keep it all off.  I gained some of it back.  I was proud of the progress though.  I'm rethinking that now.  I am lucky enough to have a good metabolism.  For me losing weight isn't too hard.  The weight comes off as long as I eat properly and stay active.  There are a lot of women who would kill to have the kind of metabolism that I do.  So why don't I utilize this gift better?  I've been kicking myself for a while.  I should have committed to this boot camp 3 weeks ago along with all the other women who are working so hard.  My excuse has been that I'm tired.  Well that's just stupid.  I see all these other women who are just as busy as I am who manage to find the time.  They're tired too but they know it's worth it and they fight through the fatigue.  These women may or may not know it but they are an inspiration to me and to others I'm sure.  If they can do it surely I can.  One member has even attended classes while sick! That's how committed these ladies are.  They are so impressive!!! I need to be more like them!

So in order for myself to be successful, I need to have a plan.  Not just any plan like I used to do.  I need a plan that requires more strategy.  I know what my weaknesses are.  I know my excuses are.  I know what/who my nemeses are.  While coming up with a plan I came across these three questions:

  1. "What do I do?"
  2. "For whom do I do it?"
  3. "How do I excel?"

So let me answer those three questions. 
  1. I am eating clean and being active.  I am going to be staying on a low-carb Atkins regime of food.  Lot's of protein, good fats, and YES veggies.  I WILL eat the proper vegetable intake.  Whenever I have done Atkins previously my vegetable intake was never what it should have been.  Which then results in me not doing Atkins properly, not eating properly, and not losing weight or being healthy to my full potential.  I know I'm being just a baby but I really hate vegetables.  I need to grow up and do it right!  I will also be active.  I will start going to classes more often.  My excuse was always I couldn't afford it, but ever since I started managing the Studio I have been blessed to have the option of not paying for my classes.  So now what's my excuse?  I have also become certified to teach Bokwa®.  This is an amazing dance fitness program that I love!  I'm hoping to start teaching in June (I'm going to write a separate post about Bokwa®).  The weather is nice again as well.  I will start doing my walks at work during my lunch breaks again.
  2. I do it for myself.  I know what potential I have.  I know that I can get to goal.  I just need to stop listening to my demons.  I do this so that I can be able to kneel down to talk to my children at eye level without my knees screaming in pain.  I do this so that the next time I have a baby my back pains won't be as bad or hopefully eliminated.  I do this so that I can sleep well at night.  I do this so I have energy to work 40 hours a week, raise 3 children, be a wife, and keep a clean home.  I do this for me.
  3. I can excel by knowing that it's possible.  I see so many other women succeeding in the same journey that I am on.  These women are breathtaking!  There is a glow about them.  They have so much confidence!  I want that.  I can get there if I do what I know I can do.  I've mentioned before that I'm the queen of excuses.  Well I have to fight that.  Instead of hitting snooze for 3 more minutes, just stand up right away!
I have re-stocked my fridge and will start portioning and cooking today to be prepared for the week.  I'm quitting soda pop cold turkey.  I'm going to start being active EVERYDAY again, whether it be an hour of Zumba or Bokwa, a walk during my lunch break, or weight lifting...I will do something everyday that will raise my heart rate and kick my metabolism back into gear.  I will start utilizing my friends, family, and this blog to help hold me accountable again.  

I started this journey almost a year ago.  When I started I want to be close to my goal in a year.  Unfortunately that's not the case.  I fell off the wagon big time.  I'm almost starting all over again but that's my own fault.  Coulda, shoulda, woulda.  I just have to brush myself off again, put my blinders on, and keep focus of my goal.

So this is me today (5/12/13).  I'm starting over again about 20 lbs. less than when I started last year.  I'm taking this very seriously.  Even more so now than last year.  I know what can lead me off the path.  I will fight it and I will win!!!!!  Thank you all so much for standing by me even when I fall.  Life is a journey full of ups and downs.  I'm at the bottom of the mountain again due to my own excuses and weaknesses.  It's time to put my big girl pants on and start climbing to the top of that mountain again.  Stayed tuned everyone, things can only go up from here!!!  

Happy Mother's Day to all! Especially my mom who always holds me accountable and calls me out when I need it!! I love you mom!

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