Friday, February 20, 2015

Me Time...

One of the biggest culprits of my bad habits are from what I have turned "me time" into.  I love my "me time".  Everyone needs an amount of "me time" otherwise we'd all go crazy.  I've come to enjoy what I would do to relax and just "veg".  Unfortunately, what I do is my biggest enemy.

My "me time" would consist of me coming home after work (roughly 1:30am) with a big bag of McDonald's and watch 2-3 shows on Netflix.  It's quite enjoyable.  I get to catch up on my shows.  I get to eat some food that I enjoy.  Then I go to bed. you can see I need no explanation as to why I am where I am.  There are so many things wrong with what I would do at night after work.  We could pick this apart piece by piece and point out the errors of my ways.  It's pretty obvious what the problem is.

I need to re-think my "me time".

The obvious steps to get started would be:

  • Go to bed as soon as I can to get the most sleep I can before my morning must begin
    • I work until 1:00am so going to bed before 1:30am is unfortunately not possible.  However, there is a big difference between going to bed at 1:30am vs. 3:30am because of wasting time on TV shows.
  • Ditch the fast food.  Ditch any food before bed.
    • Pretty self-explanatory.  Don't buy McDonald's, EVER.  To add to it more though, is that I shouldn't eat anything that close to bed time.  I've heard you're supposed to stop eating at 8pm but that's not realistic with my work schedule.  Mainly because my dinner break is at 8pm.  I can however stop eating 2-3 hours before I go to bed.  This could most definitely help with any acid reflux, insomnia, apnea, digestive, etc.  There are a lot of benefits to not eating before bed. 
These steps aren't all that hard to follow.  Just drive straight home, change into my pj's and call it a night.  This will do me so much good!  There is a problem though.  How do I get my "me time".  Hmmm...let me think about it a second.  I want to give up the bad habits but I don't want to give up the time I need to just recharge.  What to do, what to do...

Wait a second.  I have kids in school all morning.  What have I done with that time all year?  Sleep.  I would sleep because I would stay up late all the time watching tv and not sleeping well because my stomach was full of poisonous fast food.

So here's a thought.  How about I make sure I go to bed and instead of going back to bed after the kids go to school I take advantage of the time I'm home by myself?  Kind of a no brainer right?

Well I could take this time I'm home without the kids and watch tv right?  Well that wouldn't be very productive would it?  I love watching TV and whatnot but I need to get off of that couch!  I need to re-think what I want my "me time" to be.  I know it should be something active and/or productive.

Time to re-think and change things.  Like I've said before, there are no more do-overs.  


  1. Maybe you could try by scaling it back. Watch one show and drink decaf tea? Hubs used to work those hours and he couldn't go to bed right away because he was still in work mode. You could offer up not watching more than one show for lent? Just a thought. :)

  2. I have given up surfing Youtube for lent. So time-consuming and sleep depriving! Now I have a little extra time to do a puzzle or read a good book. Maybe this weekend you and the kids could make a library run and come home with enough books and magazines to keep you amused for the next few weeks while you work on forming new habits.

  3. I don't have just "me" time. I have God and me time early in the morning about 3 am. God wakes me up to pray for my day and for others. We spend quality time together listening to music, saying the rosary or just answer e mail together. We, as believers in Our Lord, don't have to make a special time for God. Each waking moment can be used for worship. Each day is a gift.
