Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Getting SERIOUS!!!

I know I've said it before but I really AM getting serious.  I haven't updated the blog in a bit because I've been up to something.  Let me fill you in!  I joined a Boot Camp.  In particular I joined Studio Zumba's special 6 week program led by the owner, Tricia Truax.  This is Bikini Boot Camp 2.  Classes are 6 days a week, and most of them start at 5:15am (but will soon move to 5am).  After a few months of falling off the wagon I needed a jump start.  I became a Bokwa® instructor to help with that but I have also added this boot camp program.  This will be a shock to my system and will really get me back on track and maybe even help make up for lost ground.

A little under a month ago Tricia Truax and her troops completed Bikini Boot Camp 1, the original.  I was foolish enough to not take advantage this first time around.  Ya'll know me and how good I am at excuses.  I also love my sleep.  So needless to say I let a prime opportunity pass me by.  This time around I am taking the bull by the horn and joining boot camp.  I will be going to as many classes as possible.

In the time that followed the first boot camp I saw a lot of different things.  First and foremost, I saw the CHANGE that each and every member of the first boot camp achieved.  It has been outstanding to see the first group of ladies be so successful!  That boot camp worked!  Also, I saw the bond that they all created with each other.  I saw the support each and every one of them gave to each other.  The members are all so giving to each other.  They have created such a bond with each other that has been truly admirable.

Well to put things simply: I WANT THAT!  I want the accountability; I want the support; I want to be apart of a group of women who strengthen and support each other;  I want the fellowship; I want the results!  So I decided to take advantage of Boot Camp 2.  I should have for the first Boot Camp, but oh well.  This Boot Camp is not going to be without challenges for me.  As I mentioned most of the classes are at 5:15am, I work until 1am Monday-Friday.  By the time I get home from work it's close to 1:30am or  going on 2am.  I have 3 alarms set to wake me up in time to get to class.  I haven't missed a morning class yet!  My husband has been a real trooper.  He's been helping me a lot through this.  He understands how hungry I am for this and how the next 6 weeks might pose some strain on me because of the physical and mental battle I will be going through.  He's awesome though and he supports me 100%...his response to me "We'll push through it".  I'm also taking this course to improve myself as an instructor.  I've taught 5 Bokwa classes so far and they have gone well.  However, I need to work on my endurance!  This course will help improve that and not only make me a better and healthier person, it will help me as an instructor and in turn help my students! It's a win-win situation! 

This second boot camp timing is perfect.  It will be ending right before I go on vacation to see my family.  I will be in week five when I work a long 4-day weekend.  So hopefully some nice results will be in store before I operate a camera in front of thousands of people at Jamboree in the Hills, or before I visit my family for a week (and wear a bathing suit...eeh gad!!)

Wish me luck!  It's going to be a tough 6 weeks.  I'm excited to see what's to come.  I have taken my before pictures and I will be taking measurements.  I can't wait until week 6!  I'm so excited to see my before and after pictures!!! Thank you Tricia for this opportunity and the leadership you provide me and all of the other members of Boot Camp!

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