Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My Mr.

Let me take a moment to talk about my Mr.  He likes his life private so you won't see his name or a picture.  However, he never said I couldn't talk about him! Hehehe!

This man has been my rock for many years now.  This July we will be celebrating 7 years of marriage and 12 years of being a couple (awwww! Mushy gushy!).  He's been strong for me through it all.  He's my calm.  He's my common sense.  He's my "dang Cecily you're crazy and you need to calm down" voice of reason!

Over this last year during my new healthy lifestyle journey he's been supporting me 100%.  I've attempted this lifestyle change so many times over the years you'd think he would be jaded by now.  I can't count how many times I've told him "Honey, don't buy me any more pop or sugary junk food, I'm eating healthy now"; only to send him to the store and expect him to bring back some diet pop, or me coming home late after work with a big bag of fast food.  So I can only imagine what's going on in his head when I bring up joining Boot Camp.

Well like the amazing  person that he is, instead of having a reaction like "here we go again" he has pushed me and supported me all through it.  He is 100% behind me in this.  Sundays are our days the entire family can actually spend a whole day together without someone in school, or mom/dad working.  Boot Camp class is 2-2.5 hours at night on Sundays.  I feel guilty leaving my family to take care of myself.  However, he qualms that guilt that I have.  He reassures me that everyone will be find while I go work on myself.  He understands how important this is and what an opportunity it is.  He knows that now is the time and he is going to make sure I do it!

Not only does he make sure I don't have my usual guilty feelings for leaving, he helps me wake up in the morning.  He always asks how my workouts are.  He has seen me be an emotional wreck and he always asks to make sure I'm ok.  The days I feel especially broken or guilty his response: "We'll push through it".

So I just wanted to put this out there.  It's so important to have personal drive and goals and determination, but it makes it a whole lot easier if you have a great support system like I do.  I love my Mr. and would be lost without him!  Thanks for always having my back no matter what crazy ideas I may jump into especially during these next few weeks of hard work!!!

This has been one of our songs ever since we first met.  

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