Saturday, January 5, 2013

Blech, Getting Back on Track

I mentioned a couple of posts ago that I did go off track during Christmas.  I really wanted to have my mother's Yorshire Pudding which I haven't had in years.  It was so tasty and I don't regret the decision.  Well, I don't regret it entirely.  I am paying for it today.  The thing about eating healthy for a long time and then going off-plan even for a day it takes time to get your body back on track.  My body is going through what we call "Induction Flu".

This isn't an actual flu.  You just experience some of the flu-like symptoms.  For me it's an achey body  and hot/cold flashes.  It stinks.  I get rather cranky when I'm going through this as well.  The good thing though is that my body is getting rid of all the bad crap I put in it.  Give me a couple more days and I will be back in Ketosis - aka fat burning!  Huzzah!

I just need to get past these couple of days of grossness and I will be losing and getting healthier.

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