Thursday, January 3, 2013

It's a New Year!

And I'm back...again.  How often is this going to happen?  I write a post that states I will update more frequently but then I don't follow through.  This time I really mean it!  I'm calling on all of my audience out there! HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE!!! Facebook me, tweet me, those of you who have my number text me!!  If you're dying for an update and my lazy bum hasn't blogged bug me about it.  Well you don't have to feel obliged to do so, I would very much appreciate it.  It's a great bit of motivation.

So things have been going well.  I almost made it through the holidays.  I did cheat a little.  I made an exception for my mother's Yorkshire Pudding.  I also had some red wine.  It was oh so amazing, but oh did I pay for it.  It had been so long since I had any carbs and my body was not happy.  I was sick that night.  Carbs and wine no longer agree with me.  So I wasn't terrible but nevertheless it caused me to take a few steps backwards.

So we into the year 2013!  2012 was a success in my opinion.  I lost 31 lbs.  This is good.  I lost weight and I did not gain it back.  I did not lose my fire.  My passion and desire for becoming healthy and reaching my goal is bigger and better than ever!  I still have a ways to go but I am now in a place where I know that I will not fail.  Even though the loss may not be fast I know it will happen.  I have so many weapons to combat any temptation!  I have figured out what workout actually works and keeps me interested.  I know what to eat and what method of eating works for me.  I have so much support from my husband, to my parents and siblings, to my Zumba instructor, to my kids, to co-workers.  2013 will be the year that I WILL reach my goal.  It's a tall order but I think it's highly doable.  Once I reach my goal I will let you all know what my starting weight was and how far I've come. 

So here's to 2013...a continued journey.  I lift a glass ice cold water to my secret weapons Atkins and Zumba (although I guess it's not so secret now, haha!).  I thank everyone who is cheering me on and hoping for my success.  2013 is going to be AWESOME!!!!

Atkins rocks my socks!!
Zumba is the best!!!!

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