Friday, January 4, 2013

Glug Glug Glug

Diet beverages: harmful or helpful?  That’s a loaded question.  I would have to answer yes to both.  How can this be?  Well it all comes down to moderation; everything in moderation. 

I find that diet beverages can hinder my weight loss and healthy lifestyle.  One of the most important things you can do for yourself when you’re trying to become healthy is to drink a ton of water.  I mean a ton, for example for where I’m at I’m supposed to consume at least 64 oz. of water a day.  In my healthy lifestyle journey I have learned to end my addiction to bad carbs and sugary snacks.   However, in giving up those addictions, I have added another.  I have replaced my bad carbs and sugary foods with diet pop.  I haven’t been consuming as much water as I should be.  I have been replacing my water intake with soda pop intake.  This is not good.  The splenda or the aspartame can and has slowed my weight loss.

Although diet pop has caused me issues it has also been rather helpful.  I have and always will have the BIGGEST sweet tooth.  Giving up sugar has been the hardest part of this entire journey.  Diet pop has been very helpful in curbing my sugar cravings.  There is just enough sweetness to the soda pop that it curbs all and any dangerous sugar craving.

So here’s the conundrum.  Do I stop drinking diet soda all together to help speed up the weight loss and therefore also resulting in drinking more water, a much healthier option?  Or do I continue to keep it in my life so that I have a weapon to combat cravings and also not feel entirely deprived?   Self control and moderation are all good answers yet as we all know based on previous habits I’m not always good at those. 

The fact that I am posting about my issues with diet soda pop I guess is answer enough about my issues with it.  I need to start limiting myself to much less pop.  You would be amazed or disgusted if you knew the amount of diet soda pop I can consume in a day.  Let’s just say thank goodness it’s soda and not alcohol! 

How sad is it that I am currently drinking a diet coke while I write this?  Must stop drinking so much diet soda pop!

My top 3 choices...yummm


  1. I totally agree with you and with that note I've done quite a bit of research in which I found only two products that was worth drinking. For me, it's not just the sugar but also the fizz. I drink several cans of La Croix a day now and in all honesty, it was terrible at first but now I'm addicted. La Croix comes in so many flavors, it has no calories, no artificial sweeteners, and sodium free. It's flavored sparkling water. Most people like lemon or lime but my favorite is orange. I have a feeling that your tastes are like Tom's so in that case you're not going to like it. I make him drink it instead of soda during the week and he gets a "real" soda on the weekends.

    The other option is Zevia. This soda has it's own flavor of colas and uncolas. Super yummy and even Tom likes them. The draw back is the price. Check out the website and they are sold at Krogers. The sugar substitute is Erythritol which is one of the best sugar alcohols to look for. In case you don't know, sugar alcohols are considered nonnutritive sweeteners. This means that they add sweetness to foods and drinks without any nutrients and virtually no calories and don't cause cavities. Contrary to their name, they are neither sugar nor an alcohol but instead a type of carbohydrate which aren't completely absorbed by the body. Hope this helps. Much love!

    1. They also don't effect the blood sugar which is what my problem is :) Thanks Ileana, I'll look into those.
