Thursday, September 20, 2012

Everyone Needs It...

I've been on this journey for 7 months now.  You'd think it would come easy to me by now.  Not so my friends.  I'm weak.  I'm easily tempted.  There are temptations everywhere.  Word to the wise...NEVER look at Pinterest when you are hungry...

Everyone needs motivation.  Everyone needs something to help keep them going.  I need motivation like nothing else.  Fortunately music is a very good and much used form of motivation for me.  I want to share 3 songs that I absolutely love.  It inspires me every time I listen to them.  These songs are by Christian rock groups.  So not only are they awesome to hear because I know the message is good but they are also clean songs that I don't have to worry about being offended while listening to.

I love these songs because they apply to my life and my faith.  What's even better is that I can apply them to my journey to becoming healthier.  I can apply them to the struggles I have faced and will probably face again.  They give me a lot of strength.  I just have to share what helps keep me going.  Toby Mac's song "Get Back Up" is my theme song.  I love it.  Enjoy!

Toby Mac - Get Back Up


Super Chick - One More

 Skillet - Awake and Alive

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