Thursday, September 13, 2012

New Discoveries

I am still some ways away from my goal.  However, I am slowly starting to see differences in myself everywhere.  There are some very obvious changes that every one sees but there are some changes that honestly I haven't seen since high school.  It's all very exciting and ridiculously motivating!

My maternity clothes are officially too big!  I am so excited about this.  My youngest child is a year old but I would still wear my maternity clothes well after I was pregnant because those clothes were all I had in my wardrobe that fit.    I recently mentioned on Facebook that I needed a belt with my maternity pants but now even a belt won't keep those suckers up!  As I mentioned, I am not where I want to be but there is some major progress!  I can finally put my maternity clothes in storage.  No more wearing maternity clothes when I'm NOT pregnant! Woooo Hoooo!

I must go shopping though.  My pre-maternity clothes don't quite fit me to where I am comfortable wearing them in public.  So a quick trip to Goodwill for some "filler" clothes is in order.  I call them filler clothes because I don't plan on having these clothes be my permanent wardrobe.  I plan on losing more so my clothes will continue to be too big for me.  What a wonderful "problem" to have.

There are a lot of changes going on.  Here's a weird one for you.  My size has shrunken so much that when I sit on the floor crossed leg I can lower my head such that my forehead can touch my left big toe.  I know that that is totally weird and you're probably thinking "why would you do that?".  Well I have no reason to do it.  What's exciting is that I haven't been able to do that in years!  My stomach had gotten to big, and I had lost the flexibility to do such a thing.  Now that the circumference of my waistline has gotten smaller I am able to do weird things like touch my toe to my forehead that I don't think I've been able to do since sophomore year college!  Weird but totally exciting!

Slowly I am discovering changes in my physical appearance and things that I am able to do again.  What wonderful motivation.  I see these changes without having to look at my pictures but seriously look at these pictures!  It's seriously amazing.  It's only been five months!  I will stick with this and I'm so excited to see what the next 5 months will look like!

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