Saturday, September 22, 2012

Seriously Addictive...

Diet Soda is NOT a healthy option for me!
There has got to be some kind of ingredient that is put into carbonated beverages because honestly once I start drinking one (diet or regular) I can't stop.  All carbonated beverages are highly addictive to me.  I don't know what it is.  Sometimes I get to a point where I think it's ok to stop drinking my large amount of water and treat myself to a diet beverage.  Oh what a slippery slope that is.  For some reason I can't stop after one.  I will start drinking diet pop once a day, and slowly it becomes my drink of choice for the entire day.  I leave my water behind and drink diet pop.

Seriously what is it about soda pop, diet or regular, that makes it so appealing?  I need to stop drinking it...again.  I need to stop thinking that drinking diet pop is a treat.  It's not a treat.  It's just the opposite.  It's a bad decision.  It enables the triggers that lead to even worse food choices.  I need to ban it all together.  I can't have it at home.  I can't have it if I go out to eat.

Drinking water is so important.  I have not been drinking my water because I've been picking soda pop over my necessary water intake.  Not too mention that the caffeine intake can't be helpful to losing weight.  I've also noticed my skin has been breaking out a little more than usual.  I'm pretty sure that's the caffeine.  So here is yet another attempt to try and rid my life of diet beverages.  Wish me luck!

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