Thursday, July 12, 2012

Feeling Alive!

I don't even know where to begin.  The title of this post sums it all up.  These last couple of months have been awesome.  I have learned a lot about myself.  I have a clear vision of what I want in life in regards to my health and well-being.  I am stronger.  I am not weak.  I have no cravings.  I do not give into temptation.  I am able to say no when offered something that is bad for me.  I have been able to make holidays and important events in my life to work for me, I do not need to eat the typical birthday food or holiday food to make the day important.  I stopped caring about the reactions from people I get when I turn down a popular food.  I am focusing on me.  I am important. 

I have dieted before.  I have worked out before.  Never have I had the mindset that I have this time around.  In the past I would get started and have this great goal in mind but I would get impatient.  I would lose hope.  I would get bored.  I'm going on 76 days straight!  Not a single cheat.  I'm still being active.  I feel great about myself.  I'm so proud of myself.  I feel great!  I feel alive!

I've lost 14 lbs.  This is awesome!  I still have a long way to go but I am remaining patient.  It took time to put the weight on; it's going to take time to get it off.  I think that is the key.  I'm not rushing to lose weight.  I have not set some specific goal by a specific day.  I am not pressuring myself to lose as fast as I can.  This is a permanent change I am making in my life.  It will happen.  It is happening.  It's happening at exactly the rate that it is going to take.  I'm excited.  I am not allowing myself to get discouraged.  I have nothing to be discouraged about.  I am making healthy choices and turning my couch potato lifestyle into a healthy active life.  My kids are learning from me to be healthy and active. 

Like I said, I feel so alive! 

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