Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Starting NOW!

I was gone for a couple of days.  I went out of town for my sister's high school graduation.  It was a very nice trip.  I got to visit with my family, get some rest, and ate my mom's wonderful cooking.  I decided to take it easy this vacation.  I had a thought process to it all.

I decided not to workout at all in hopes that my foot would get some healing.  It's still not at 100%.  I'm a little bummed about that.  I have to keep up on the stretching.  I haven't worn any shoes in the past five days (except for my flip flops) either.  Hopefully the lack of activity has helped the healing process.

I did not watch what I ate.  First of all, it is really hard to stick to a strict eating regime when you are traveling; if anything it's really just a hassle.  I didn't want to have to deal with it while driving 6 hours to our destination.  Also, my mom is an amazing cook.  I love her cooking and only get to eat it maybe once a year.  It was also a big celebration weekend so I knew the food was going to be goooood.  So I decided not to hold back.  The food was in fact amazing.  I did notice a few things though.  I couldn't eat very much of it.  My portions were small because I just can't eat a ton of food anymore.  Also I did have a piece of the carrot cake and the cake was delicious but there was so so so much sugar.  It gave me a bit of a stomach ache later because of all that sugar I am no longer used to ingesting.
Click to read rules of Atkins Induction!

I had a great weekend but my food choices opened the flood gates.  The rest of the weekend, the drive, and the Monday we were home I ate awful food!  I ate fast food, and (GASP) I had some soda pop.  In my mind it seemed ok because I was already eating bad why not add a little soda pop?  I have no excuse. I just did it.  Not by best decision, but it is what it is.

So that was then, this is now.  Today I am back on track.  I have started my workouts again (or at least tonight at Zumba I will start my workouts again, haha!).  I have also started Atkins.  I have this little notebook that tracks every little thing I eat.  I have my meals planned for the week.  I have my snacks planned for the week.  I went grocery shopping and my fridge is stocked.  I have started cooking.  The first two weeks of Atkins can be hard but I will succeed.  I have it planned down to the glass of water.

I'm back and better than ever.  My drive is still in full throttle.  Here we go!

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