Monday, May 7, 2012

Kick it!

So they say it takes about 30 days to either keep a habit or to kick one.  I think I may have broken the record.  That is if you want to consider drinking soda pop a habit.  I guess you could call it an addiction.  Either way I drank way too much of it way too often.  It would be my drink of choice.  Water as an on occasion kind of relationship with me.  I would drink soda pop when I woke up, when I had breakfast, when I had lunch, when I had snacks, when I had dinner, when I was thirsty, when I just wanted something to do.  I drank A LOT.

My trusty water cup, always at my side
I decided to give up pop cold turkey when I started this new lifestyle.  It was a little hard at first.  The caffeine headaches weren't fun.  I got over it though.  I've been drinking nothing but water.  Minus a beer the other day (it was a special occasion).  It's been 9 days since my last soda pop.  I decided to treat myself today and order a Diet Coke at Subway.  I was excited for this special treat.  I hadn't treated myself in a while and I thought I deserved a little reward for sticking to my workouts and eating, etc.

It...tasted...A-W-F-U-L!!!!!!! Ugh.  It was the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted.  This is not a "Oh it was Diet that's why" kind of situation.  I used to drink Diet drinks all the time.  This drink was the worst thing I could have digested in a long time.  It had such a terrible taste, and don't get me started on the after taste!  I drank a whole cup (my sweet 16 oz. cup) of water to get rid of the taste.  Worst idea ever!  I didn't finish it.  I just tossed it out and stuck with my water.

I'm so glad I didn't like it.  I've given up pop before and I did really well.  However, all it took was one pop, diet or regular, to get me back into my old ways.  Whenever I give up pop I always wonder why I drank it in the first place, but then I never failed to return to drinking it.  Not this time! Water never tasted so good trying to wash that nasty taste out of my mouth.  There are so many good reasons to drink water.  Why would I want to stop? Why did I stop in the past?  I have no answers.  All I know is that pop will never again enter my system!  It's nasty.  Plus there is absolutely no nutritional value to soda pop either.  Really soda pop is a waste of time, money, and health.

So I kicked the habit.  I kicked it good and hard!  Giving up pop was easy.  I'm going to raise a tall glass of water and drink to the absence of pop in my system.  Here's to you oh soda pop and how awful you are.  You will not be missed.  *Raises glass of water* CHUG CHUG CHUG.

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