Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Ever feel like this?

Talk about your mood swings.  Through various events that I do not want to go into online this is exactly how I feel right now.  You work so hard but sometimes it just isn't enough...

It's my fault.  I shouldn't have let this happen.  I'm trying to fix it though.  It's a slow process.  Have patience with me.  I'm sorry I let it get so bad.

Sorry for the very vague post.  I will not get into the details.  I just need to vent a little.  This is how I feel right now.  I need to not let it hurt my progress.  I'm an emotional eater.  I will not turn to food for comfort.  I will not eat something that will make things worse than they already are.

Again I apologize for this post.  But this is what this blog is for.  I use it to express my highs and lows.  This helps me stay on track.  This journey is for me.   This is what I need to remind myself of.  This is about me.

Ok I know this post is random. It helped me though. I feel much better. Sometimes you just have to vent. Just breathe.

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